It’s really funny to think how overwhelming it can be when trying to build an online presence. How do I get started? Where do I go? How do I drive traffic? Lots of unknowns and doubts. I know people have these thoughts because I had these thoughts and as far as I know I am a people. I have been learning that a blog is still a very relevant source of information. Plus they are fun! Part of focusing your efforts is narrowing down what kind of niche you want to cater to. I hate the word, “niche”. I never know how to say it and I say it differently every time. Often I say it in a way that leads to coughing up phlegm. Ugh, another gross word, phlegm. Seeing it typed out for some reason is so much worse…

Should I focus on internet marketing? Should I dedicate my blog to the music podcast I already have up and running? Should I focus it on all things Ryan Schreiber? Can I be a niche? Lots to consider when writing a blog. However, whichever way this blog goes I have found that writing content is the easy part. That seems to be the hard part for most people but even something as journaling your journey can be an interesting and informative blog post! Others won’t have the same experience as you and can glean from your wisdom.

“You don’t know what other people don’t know and writing it down will help them know what you know but if you don’t write it you won’t know if what you know helped their ‘don’t know.'”

– Ryan Schreiber

See I’m already writing proverbs.

But the only reason I have made it this far is because of everything I am learning from Partnership to Success from John Thornhill. You can learn from him as well here.

But I will also be sharing what I am learning and will hope to be able to get to know you and help you along the way as well!


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